Student Attendance
Romoland School District encourages parents/guardians to make sure their children attend school regularly. Research indicates the higher the attendance rate of the student the more the student will learn and experience academic success in the future. Excessive absences in grades as early as kindergarten have proven to have negative impacts on the future academic success of students throughout their school years. Please consider the following to help your child maintain excellent attendance:
- Schedule medical and dental appointments during non-school hours so that your child misses the least amount of school as possible.
- Avoid making travel and vacation plans when school is in session.
Absence from School Site
Parents should call the school to verify the absence on the first day the student is absent. An absence not cleared by the parent/guardian within three (3) school days will be a truancy.
Reporting an Absence
The following details are required when reporting an absence:
- Name of student
- Name of parent/guardian or parent representative
- Date(s) of the absence
- Reason for absence
Excused Absences
The following are excused absences:
- Illness
- Death/Funeral of immediate family member
- Medical/dental appointments
- Court appointments
- School activities
- Participation in a religious exercise
The following will result in a truancy for a student:
- Absence not cleared by parent/guardian within three (3) days of absence
- Tardy 30 minutes or more in any class period without a valid excuse
- Early check-out from school 30 minutes or more without a valid excuse
Three truancies will result in a letter notification to parents/guardians.
Four truancies will result in School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting at the school site with parents and school officials.
Continued excessive truancies will result in a School Attendance Review Board (SARB) hearing conducted by district officials with the assistance of the District Attorney's office.
NOTE: ANY absence that does not fall under the excused absence definition will be UNEXCUSED (even with a phone call/notification from the parent/guardian).